Asian medical university

Asian medical university was established in 2004 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic at the address: Kant city 58, Gagarin Street. Asian medical university is listed in World Health Organization Directory (W.H.O), Avicenna Directory and FAIMER. Such students holding medical qualification are eligible for screening test in any country of the world and subsequent recognition of their degree. Asian medical university bearing three License in higher professional education.
GENERAL MEDICINE (MBBS/MD) 6 YEARS DENTISTRY(BDS/DDS)5 YEARS The higher institution is meant for training qualified specialists in medical sphere both for Kyrgyz Republic and other countries of the world including Pakistan,India,Nepal,Nigeria,America,Turkey, Egypt, Somalia, Russia and CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan etc.).More than 2000 students are studying from these countries.

There are doctors & candidates of medical science participating in the training process. combination of utilization of modern training programs, technical material base, new training technologies and qualified teachers promotes the improvement of training quality.Students will be taught not only in clinical bases in Kant, but also in Bishkek, capital city. Many republican medical institutions and scientific centers are the clinical bases of Asian Medical Institute.Institute's departments will be working out both the fundamental and applied research problems on medicine priority direction.

Affiliated Hospitals are:
  •  Issyk-Ata Region Hospital
  •  Traumatology and orthopaedic hospital
  •  Issy-Ata central hospital
  •  Alamadin hospital
  • City clinical hospital
  •  Department forensic Medicine
  •  Surgical hospital
  • Obs & Gyneacolgical hospital
  •  Tentishev Memorial polyclinic

Tuition Fees also can be paid on half yearly.

Fees structure:

1st Year 2nd to 6th Year Total Course fee (6 year)
7800USD$ (5,46,000INR) 4500USD$ (3,15,000INR) 30,300USD$ (21,21,000INR)
* we calculated 1$ = 70Rs.
  • No Donation.
  • No Entrance Exam.
  • English Medium.
  • WHO & MCI Recognized
  • Low Cost of Living.
  • Lower Tuition Fees.